








1. Managing plant needs - nutrition
2. Greenhouse design & climate management
3. Greenhouse design - pest & disease
4. Soil health management
5. Irrigation management
6. Salinity management
7. Managing pests & diseases
8. Economics of best practice
9. Videos

1. Managing plant needs - nutrition

> Managing plant needs - nutrition
> Managing plant nutrition - presentation
> Comprehensive table of key nutrients and their importance
> Nutrient deficiency and its impacts
> Capsicum nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms
> Trace elements - stimulation and interaction chart
> Summary for the testing and management of capsicum nutrients
> Understanding a soil report with recommendations
> Example instructions for sending a soil test for nutrients, organic carbon, salinity, etc.
> Example instructions for sending a leaf test to detect nutrient issues
> Phuong demonstrating careful planting - limiting salt around seedlings and encouraging feeder roots (video)
> Healthy young plants (video)
> Fifteen weeks and almost picking (video)

2. Greenhouse design & climate

> Greenouse design & climate management
> Improving greenhouse systems and production practices - compares the cost and benefit of various strategies, especially re environmental control
> Pest exclusion greenhouse design
> Fact sheet about light in greenhouses

3. Greenhouse design - pest & disease

> Greenhouse design - pest & disease management
> Pest exclusion greenhouse design
> Keep it Clean farm hygiene package

4. Soil health management

> Soil health management
> Soil pit workshop (video)
> Phuong and SARDI researcher discussing compost benefits (video)
> Organic matter and soil function
> Turnover of soil organic matter
> Various Compost for Soils fact sheets
> Soil Wise booklet
> Ripping to improve drainage (video)
> Good cultivation practice (video)
> Leaching salts (video)
> Phuong applying compost - application and rate (video)
> Eight simple on-farm physical and chemical soil tests
> Tips for new users of compost in greenhouses
> Deep ripping tips to improve drainage
> Management differences for heavy and light soils

Implementing Tools:
> What is soil
> The soil profile
> Soil texture
> Soil structure - colour and organic content
> Results of heavy soil analysis
> Results of light soil analysis

5. Irrigation management

> Irrigation management
> Tips for new users of compost

Implementing Tools: Soil water management
> Soil water management
> Calculating readily available water

6. Salinity management

> Salinity management

Measuring salinity:
> Measuring soil salinity
> Salinity and its measurement

Understanding salinity:
> Salinity and water sources
> Sodium (Na) in irrigation water

Understanding your soil:
> What is soil
> The soil profile
> Soil texture
> Soil salinity and sodicity
> Soil structure - colour and organic content
> Results of heavy soil analysis
> Results of light soil analysis
> Management differences for heavy and light soils

Managing salinity:
> Reduce soil salinity by pre-plant leaching (video)
> Phuong demonstrating planting technique - limiting salt around seedlings and encouraging feeder roots (video)
> Soil pit workshop (video)
> Deep ripping tips to improve drainage
> Salinity reduction program
> Salinity risk and leaching
> Soil water management
> Calculating readily available water
> Manage salinity in root zones
> Compost and managing salinity on the NAP

7. Managing pests & diseases

> Managing pests & diseases

Pest & diesease knowledge:
> Introduction to IPM and fact sheets for 5 key pests
> Foliar diseases - identification in capsicums and, cucumbers
> Foliar diseases - prevalence and current management in capsicums and cucumbers
> Foliar diseases - management tips for diseases of capsicums and cucumbers
> Foliar disease - variety trials for powdery mildew resistance in capsicums and cucumbers
> Tobamovirus in capsicums
> Pests, Diseases, Beneficials and Disorders Field Guide
> Diseases of Vegetable Crops in Australia

Farm hygiene:
> Farm hygiene
> Keep It Clean Manual - with detailed key pests and disease info
> Keep It Clean Manual - with 10 hygiene fact sheets, but no pest & disease info

Crop monitoring:
> Crop monitoring and WFT result diagnosis

Chemical use:
> Elements of an effective spray program
> Recently permitted/registered pesticides - assists selection and use
> Fumigating with plastic cover (video)
> Fumigation tips and compliance information
> Tips for planning for service vehicles to come onto your farm
> Toxicity of pesticides to beneficial insects - options with bio-control programs
> Toxicicity of pesticide residues on plastic

Biological control:
> Successful biological control in a capsicum farm 1 (video)
> Successful biological control in a capsicum farm 2 (video)
> Bio-control agents poster
> Contact details for biological control suppliers and consultants:
James Altmann - Biological Services

0427 846 977
Lachlan Chilman - Manchil Services

0403 727 252
> Revegetation by Design Guidebook
> Guide to using native plants on the Northern Adelaide Plains

Identifying IPM priorities:
> IPM checklist for priorities

8. Economics of best pracitce

> Capsicum cost-benefit calculator
> About VegTool - another economic tool for growers
> Mid crop review of setting, fertilizing and pest control (video)
> End of crop yield results, feeding, issues with strong plants and pest control (video)
> Phuong and SARDI researcher discussing benefits of compost (video)


1. Ripping to improve drainage
2. Pre-plant leaching
3. Fumigating
4. Good Cultivation
5. Applying compost
6. Careful planting
7. Healthy young plants
8. Fifteen weeks and almost picking
9. Soil pit workshop
10. Phuong and SARDI researcher discussing benefits of compost
11. Mid crop review of setting, fertilizing and pest control
12. End of crop yield results, feeding, issues with strong plants and pest control

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